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Our mission at Embark America is to bring people beyond the standard tourist destinations and into the heart of America. Everyone loves to post their selfies on Instagram; giant grins with the misty Golden Gate Bridge in the background; #Nofilter from the edge of the Grand Canyon; a silhouette against the L.A. skyline. These places are iconic and indelibly American.  They are well worth visiting. Yet as Whitman penned in his Song of the Open Road, "there is much unseen here."  We at Embark America, motivated by wonder and curiosity, have often chosen to walk down the alleys, under the bridges, up the unbeaten paths. We have pulled off the interstate to connect with the people of the land: the farmers, the ranchers, the denizens living on the edges of society, the eccentrics, the revolutionaries.  It is our goal to give our clients experiences of connection and contact so that they -- you -- will board the plane home feeling, not like a tourist, but like an adventurer and a traveler who has not just seen but touched America.


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